
Bannerman Pet Care is well-equipped to provide various routine surgical procedures. Because we believe strongly in high-quality standard of care, we routinely perform pre-operative bloodwork to help rule out underlying or unforeseen problems which might alter or change the surgical plan. We use only isoflurane gas for anesthesia and pain medications are routinely given pre-op and post-op as medically indicated. Patients are closely monitored during and after surgery to insure as smooth a recovery as possible. Detailed written instructions are sent home at discharge so you know what to expect and to explain any care which might be needed at home. In the event your pet needs a surgical procedure that we can’t provide, we will help to locate and refer your pet to an appropriate surgeon. We will do all we can to help alleviate any anxiety you or your pet might experience if surgery is ever a necessary measure!

Pre-Anesthetic Testing Consent Form: Word Format  PDF

A cat smelling a stethoscope.